Day 5 in Deutschland, Kristall Palm Beach

IMG_4679Kristall Palm Beach is one part water park, one part bath house. With temperatures passing the 100 degree mark, we spent the day in various forms of water.

IMG_4678This is the crystal pool, a light and clear pool. They also had a zinc pool and an amethyst pool, which was my favorite.

IMG_4657After many dips in the various pools, I enjoyed a Bananenweiser. A beer with banana! It was a delicious first.

IMG_4662And as contradictory as it seems, French Fries. Slim vegan options at Palm Beach.

IMG_4688Here I am in an amazing mineral bath bubbling around me.

IMG_4687Germany is a very green country. They use a lot of wind power. Here are some wind turbines standing guard on the autobahn.

DSC_0087Cigarette machines. Packs of cigarettes are 5 EU here, or currently $6.64.

IMG_4648There are special parking spots for ladies only in some German parking garages.