I Want My Father’s Day Cake! [2014]

Happy Father’s Day!

When I asked my Dad what kind of cake he wanted… my Mom replied, “Strawberry Shortcake.” They knew it was a bit more involved a recipe. But I was up for the challenge!
IMG_8579[I’m the queen in the throne.]

IMG_8560It starts with strawberries from the farmers market. They actually taste like strawberries! Unlike those ever-available irradiated Driscoll berries that are red and plump… but taste like nothing.

IMG_8567After a heartbreaking hasteful smear of coconut whip on an uncooled cake layer, my presentation suffered. I had to cover all 3 layers with the whip, which was not my intention. I used this fantastic sugar-laden recipe for the layer cake (doubled). So I kept the whip less sweet–coconut milk fat, agave and vanilla.

DSC_0022Pretty on the inside.