Pink / Red and Pretty [Breaking in a Canon G9X]

The Canon G9X reminds me of my grandfather’s old camera, especially in this nifty case. It’s a great camera, but there’s no viewfinder… which kind of kills the whole nostalgic feel of it.  But it sure takes a pretty picture.

Another go at the Sprinkles red velvet for a work function. 

Red house on a Snow Day. 

And the Snow Moon.  I set the tripod out on the back porch, froze my butt off and this is the best I could do. The elusive moon never looks more beautiful than in your eye. 

A patient male cardinal in winter waiting for lunch.

Another male cardinal, all bright and vivid, probably gets more of the cardinal ladies.  

The posterize setting with the stud cardinal.  

I take the train at the crack of dawn and get to watch Brooklyn wake up.

Water and air in Asbury Park.