
Tag: panino sportivo

Misc. Food Stuff

I’ve been making mostly one-pot lunches these days. Here is my eggplant stew… with a ton of cilantro for garnish. This is why I do one-pot meals now. My personal Crockpot! I love this thing. No more microwaving. And here’s a banana chocolate cupcake I made. Just because… And the Read more…

β™₯ Hearts of Palm β™₯

Panino Sportivo is one of the few quick-eat options in the immediate vicinity of my school’s Morningside Heights campus. There lies a most satisfyingly scrumptious sandwich named Davide. Davide is simple and unadorned deliciousness: sliced hearts of palm, plum tomato and arugula served on fresh toasted Italian bread. Remember on Read more…