
Tag: romanesco cauliflower

Greetings From Asbury Park

There always seems to be something vegan to eat in Asbury Park. As the area makes a name for itself as a food destination, the vegan realm reaps the benefits. The folks setting up shop in Asbury Park have to care about quality, as the restaurant next store or down Read more…

Autumn Roast Fest

With the Farmers Market season ending, I am preemptively stocking up–making my lunch a ton of roasted autumn vegetables.  Because these starchy roots need nothing but some oil, salt and pepper.  First, rainbow carrots and their slew of phytonutrients: purple, yellow and orange phytonutrients. Though Candy Cane beets (or Chioggia beets) Read more…


With autumn comes a whole new set of seasonal veggies. I anticipate this change in the fruit and vegetable racks in my local grocer like how some other do clothing lines, a new sneaker, or tickets for whatever millennial-deep (puddle) marketing exec-made “musician” who doesn’t play or write music who’s Read more…

Vegan Mofo #19: Fall Colors

Mustard greens, green beans, mixed potato mash, beets and a refreshing slaw: the Earth tones(grub care of SK) Pumpkin bread brown and apple crisp umber(grub care of SK)Pumpkin skin persimmon(Cary, NC) Gourd Green(Cary, NC) Majorelle Blue potatoes Steaming Celadon