
Tag: scallion pancakes

Misc. May Photo Dump

Like sands through the hourglass, and so are the days of our lives… The pistachio chocolate chip cookie from Yardsale is still in my rotation despite a severe sugar detox I underwent. 😬 Yes, I want the onion and the watermelon, sweet landlady. Henna-ed hair… not bad Lake Champlain Chocolate Read more…

Authentic Chinese in Brooklyn

In my corner of Brooklyn, I am surrounded by thriving Chinese enclaves. Within these wonderful communities, along with the true joy of living in one of the most diverse cities in the world, many unexplored menus with ample and unique vegan options. I plan to excitedly report on these options Read more…

Thailand Foodie!

Urai went out of her way to make sure I was properly nourished. She took great care in learning my taste preferences and dietary restrictions. Below is a partial list of some of the delicious food I’ve tasted in Bangsai: My first lunch: Fresh spring rolls (tarot root, glass noodle Read more…