There Ain’t No Island Left For Islanders Like Me

I’ve always thought that there is something powerfully romantic about the sea. Aaaah, an expanse of salty tempestuousness! Being drawn to an elusive pioneering spirit too often lost within the confines of the nowadays, I admire those who give their life to the land, the water, the Earth; those who feel her shift and buckle and soothe and not solely on planned excursions with well-stocked backpacks.

I often cook in homage. Though to whom or what isn’t always often obvious at first. My batch of Vegan New England Clam Chowder honors my Islander heritage, my appreciation of pre-River of Dreams Billy Joel and my new-found respect for slurping my meals. Here is to 6 more weeks of soup and oatmeal weather!{I used this recipe but threw in some sliced hearts of palm for a fishy texture and added a sprinkling of dried seaweed.}